Posts tagged with "mental health"

CBD Gif by Reb Czukoski for use by 360 Magazine

What Are the Top Treatment Options for Anxiety? 

Are you someone who struggles with anxiety? If so, you are not alone. There are lots of people who struggle to deal with anxiety, and there are plenty of treatment options available. If you struggle with anxiety, one of the first things you need to remember is that you need to talk to a mental […]

Gaming illustration by Rita Azar for 360 Magazine

Fifteen Health Tips for Gamers

Gaming is a fun pastime, but it’ll only stay fun if you keep yourself healthy enough to enjoy it for years to come. Nourish your body properly and give it time away from screens to relax and repair. If you start taking excellent care of yourself, you may notice that your mood and energy levels […]

health via 360 Magazine for use by 360 Magazine

New Latinx Community Studies

 Leading Latino digital media company mitú, in partnership with premier multicultural marketing and communications agency The MRKT, released the first of a series of studies titled The mitú InTell Series. The studies aim to gain and socialize insights on the current state of the U.S. Hispanic community while digging deeper into their motivations and behaviors […]

Medical illustration by Heather Skovlund for 360 Magazine

Why kicking an addiction is more than just quitting

Why kicking an addiction is more than just quitting; the importance of self-improvement to recovery Regardless of what someone becomes addicted to, be it drugs, food, or a computer game, there are usually underlying causes that have led to the addiction developing. So, it makes sense that when the addict chooses to try and break […]

Co-Parenting Illustration by Reb Czukoski for use by 360 Magazine

Co-Parenting Tips For Divorcing Couples

Dads’ Resource Center offers tips for successfully co-parenting following divorce or separation. According to the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP), one out of every two marriages ends in divorce. Many of these marriages involve children, putting them at risk for a variety of emotional issues resulting from the separation. It is vital […]

The Best Ways to Have Family Fun During a Lockdown

By: Marie Miguel It hasn’t been easy trying to navigate everything during the pandemic. The tragic loss of life has been difficult for many families around the world. It’s also been hard adjusting to not being able to go out and do things that you normally like to do. If you’re raising kids, then you […]

Mina Tocalini illustration for mental health article inside 360 magazine

Five Ways to Improve Emotional Wellness

October is Emotional Wellness Month, making it a great time to put emotional health in the spotlight. According to Mental Health America, 31% of adults will experience an anxiety disorder in their lifetime, over 17 million adults have depression, and 7% of the adult population has major depression. Clearly, we need to put a bigger […]

sports illustration by Allison Christensen for use by 360 Magazine

Paolo Uggetti × ESPN

Paolo Uggetti, one of the nation’s most talented young sports journalists, has joined ESPN as a college football writer. Uggetti has covered the NBA nationally for The Ringer for the past five years, writing features on everything from Devin Booker’s Mexican heritage to players’ mental health in the bubble, to tracking down the KIA that […]

aria brooks image by PRIME for use by 360 magazine


Aria Brooks (ARIA) is an actress from Atlanta, Georgia who joined the cast of All That in the second half of its first season. Growing up around a family of performing arts teachers and musicians, ARIA has turned to a path in the entertainment industry. We got to speak with ARIA about her debut EP castles and […]

How Sleep Apnea Affects Mental Health and What You Can Do About It

You might not know that you have sleep apnea. However, your partner can probably tell.  This rule holds even if they don’t kick you during the night to get you to stop snoring. The sleep disturbances caused by this disorder can impact your mood, turning normally pleasant people into snarling grumps. Here’s how sleep apnea […]