Posts tagged with "Posture"

Gaming illustration by Rita Azar for 360 Magazine

Fifteen Health Tips for Gamers

Gaming is a fun pastime, but it’ll only stay fun if you keep yourself healthy enough to enjoy it for years to come. Nourish your body properly and give it time away from screens to relax and repair. If you start taking excellent care of yourself, you may notice that your mood and energy levels […]

dorm room illustration for use by 360 magazine

Ranking Benefits of Using a Foot Rest

Sitting daily at the office might cause discomfort, particularly to people sitting for several hours since many office desks and tables are somewhat raised. Unluckily, this has left several individuals hanging their legs from the chair with no support. Besides, when you purchase an ergonomic chair, you’re more likely to focus on your neck, shoulders, […]

8 Tips for Office Workers to Avoid Carpal Tunnel

Office workers conduct repetitive tasks every day, such as typing and moving a mouse. Even other jobs have motions that repeat themselves, like driving, sanding, assembly line work or knitting. Each of these activities could lead to carpal tunnel syndrome.  Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that happens when the nerve that goes from your […]