Posts tagged with "Everlasting Comfort"

pain relief illustration by alex bogdan for use by 360 magazine

Unrealized Benefits of a Between Knee Pillow For Sleeping

During sleep, people lose control of their posture. Nonetheless, your body signals when you lie in an uncomfortable pose. It manifests this mainly in twisting, restlessness, and turning during sleep. Besides, an incorrect sleep posture causes aggravating physical complaints. The most regular are painful knees and a nagging or deaf sensation in the hips. Also, […]

dorm room illustration for use by 360 magazine

Ranking Benefits of Using a Foot Rest

Sitting daily at the office might cause discomfort, particularly to people sitting for several hours since many office desks and tables are somewhat raised. Unluckily, this has left several individuals hanging their legs from the chair with no support. Besides, when you purchase an ergonomic chair, you’re more likely to focus on your neck, shoulders, […]