2022 has proven to be nothing short of a significant and eventful year. Overcoming the summer months, 360 reviews and highlights the main news of the month of September.

2022 has proven to be nothing short of a significant and eventful year. Overcoming the summer months, 360 reviews and highlights the main news of the month of September.
MuddHouse Media launches “Top of the World” podcast highlighting the people and stories behind the historic rebuilding of the World Trade Center 1-part series features WTC developer Larry Silverstein, WTC Master Planner Daniel Libeskind, former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and others MuddHouse Media announced today the official launch of Top of the World: […]
September 11, 2001 will forever remain etched in the memories of Americans. Almost 3,000 innocent lives were lost during the deadly 9/11 terror attack. No one saw it coming until two planes hijacked by terrorists crashed into New York’s World Trade Center. Terrorists aboard a third plane hovered around the Pentagon while the fourth crashed […]
Approximately one month, the Director of Faith Matters, Fiyaz Mughal, highlighted the plight of Afghan Interpreter, Mohammed Nabi, and how he was sleeping rough on the streets of Athens. Nabi’s case was initially documented and he was assisted by Jess Webster, who works with refugees in Greece. Having heard of the case, the petition by […]
Star-studded British show announces the first wave of talent for its American debut. Jake Gyllenhaal, Jarvis Cocker, James Corden, Minnie Driver, Stephen Fry, Mark Hamill, Anjelica Huston, Catherine Keener, Shirley Manson, Ian McShane, and Annabelle Wallis all confirmed for ‘LETTERS LIVE’ line-up in its US premiere with more guests to be announced. LETTERS LIVE, in […]