360 MAGAZINE curates top gifts for your fur babies during the holiday season.

360 MAGAZINE curates top gifts for your fur babies during the holiday season.
The TurfMutt Foundation Predicts “Backyarding” To Become Permanent Trend “Backyarding,” the new trend to move many indoor activities–from working in an office or classroom to dining and recreation–to the great outdoors, is growing. Under pandemic conditions, yards and other managed landscapes became a safe haven for social gatherings, celebrating milestones/holidays, working, studying, playing, exercising, relaxing. […]
In 2020, the Department of Transportation made a new determination that only service dogs would continue to be protected under the American’s with Disabilities Act, thus categorizing emotional support animals as pets. So far, only Southwest Airlines have stated that they will continue to accept ESA’s at no charge. Both Alaska and American Airlines have […]