360 MAGAZINE cover girl Lauren Makk, HGTV host and DIY expert, is taking the design world by storm with her unique and accessible take on luxury. Cover art captured by photographer Vaughn Lowery.

360 MAGAZINE cover girl Lauren Makk, HGTV host and DIY expert, is taking the design world by storm with her unique and accessible take on luxury. Cover art captured by photographer Vaughn Lowery.
SHARON OSBOURNE FLIPS ON NEW ORIGINAL WE TV SPECIAL, ‘SHARON FLIPPING OSBOURNE’ PREMIERING FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6 AT 10:00 PM ET/PT Osbourne Remodels a Couple’s Home Using Her Own Money, Expertise & Over-The-Top Personality Sneak Peek Here: http://youtu.be/YWXAT1MhEbU We all love Sharon Osbourne for her charming, cheeky and opinionated personality, but guess what?! She’s also […]