Posts tagged with "ebikes"

Justin Lowery on his avadar e-bike in 360 MAGAZINE


The modern commuter – pedaling their way through downtown, in a rush to get to their job safely and speedily, interested in an eco-friendly way to ride – demands a certain level of excellence from their transportation. Bikes are an obvious solution, but beyond traditional bikes, ebikes are increasingly a solution for dynamic city streets, […]

DYU S2 illustration by Mina Tocalini

DYU S2 E-Bike

Good news to DYU fans, the upgraded DYU S2 is coming soon. DYU S1 is famous for its beautiful appearance &15kg lightweight that can be lifted up by an arm easily. And DYU S2 electric bike continues the style of S1 meanwhile making it more powerful.  So what are the advantages of DYU S2? First, […]

Good Vibe Gliders, 360 magazine


Vaughn Lowery of 360 MAGAZINE helms design collaboration with Good Vibe Gliders.