Posts tagged with "Mobile App"

Twitter’s Future with Bitcoin

By: Sean Fontno, Elle Grant × Vaughn Lowery Jack Dorsey always had a niche for technology. Back in 2000, he thought to himself, “What if you could share your status with all your friends really easily, so they know what you’re doing?” 6 years later, Jack Dorsey posted the very first tweet: “just setting up […]

Passport illustration by Heather Skovlund for 360 Magazine

Tim Hentschel × HotelPlanner

By: Co-Founder/CEO Tim Hentschel We all welcomed the news of vaccine rollouts that started in January this year, but what does this specifically mean for the travel and hospitality industry? How do vaccine passports work? And are they ethical? Experts agree that we will start to see real progress against the spread of Covid […]