Posts tagged with "Primary Care Physician"


From the creators of these global stories, The Breast Forces Study, The Backpack Study and Text Neck Study. A New Study publishing in Surgical Technology International correlates belly fat per waist circumference and defines spine forces, by the pound. In the America, more than two-thirds of adults (220 million-plus) are overweight or obese, and childhood […]

Seven Tips to Get Seen Faster by a Doctor

Doctors see so many patients every day of their careers, and they may find it challenging to tell whether you need to be seen right away or if you can wait for a bit. Still, when you need to be seen by a doctor, you have a few options to speed up the journey to […]

Harvard & Texas A&M

I write to inform you of my dismay over recent actions by Harvard faculty Dr. Walter Willett and Dr. Frank Hu and their associates, Dr. David Katz and the True Health Initiative (THI). Their actions, as described in a recent JAMA article here are unethical, distort the results of important scientific research, and, in our […]