Posts tagged with "body fat"

Food graphic via 360 magazine

What is protein and why do you need it?

Everyone’s heard of protein. But do you know exactly what it is and why we all need it? Let us examine protein more closely to get to the bottom of things. What is Protein? Quite simply, proteins are essential nutrients that the human body requires. They are part of the building blocks of tissue. Protein […]

Rita Azar illustrates a story by Kupah James in 360 MAGAZINE.

Top Ten Virtual Trainers

By Kupah James Squad, with most gyms out of commission, it can be difficult keeping with those gains. Below, are 10 Virtual Trainers for you to explore. Try one of them or all of them, since they all have something unique to offer. Kupah James – Celebrity Trainer, Creator of Bodyweight BootKAMP, ZOOM Klasses Tuesday […]