Indie singer/songwriter Sam Valdez shares her debut single “Hours”

The song was premiered yesterday on Black BookStream and share “Hours” Soundcloud, Spotify, iTunes.

“Hours” is a warm and dark track, like nighttime in summer. Sam Valdez’s voice has been compared to Lana Del Rey and Cat Power, and the melody of “Hours” stands front and center of a minimalistic composition, with the keys, guitars and other instruments adding color to her lyrics, rather than taking turns between words and music. The song was produced, mixed and mastered by Max Braverman at his studio in Los Angeles.

“This song is about the hold loss can have on us, while simultaneously being in love with someone who shares a similar experience. I wanted “Hours” to convey the feeling of being aware of pain and the dependencies it can create, and learning to just give into it sometimes and then let it go,” says Sam.

“Hours” is the first single of Sam Valdez’s debut EP, due out late 2017.

About Sam Valdez
Sam Valdez is a 23 year old indie/folk singer based in Los Angeles. After playing with several bands and outfits, she found the essence of her solo sound and decided to run with it in both music and performances. Her unique voice and singing style has set her apart in and created great expectations for music to come.
Sam grew up at the edge of the desert, in Las Vegas (NV), and credits the desert as a major influence in her writing and composing. Classically trained in violin, the instrument also makes an appearance in some of her songs. Sam has been writing her own music for the past 3 years, mostly Americana material, but over the course of these years her style has evolved, letting her new influences have a sway over her music.
Sam listens to a lot of “old school folk stuff” such as Leonard Cohen and Emmylou Harris, but nowadays she’s more influenced by grunge and indie rock, such as The National, The War On Drugs, etc. Also a lot of downtempo, indie music make it onto the mix.
Approximately one year ago Sam Valdez decided to write and perform under her own name, to change the style and create more music. Being able to indulge in her own creative process has made this period of time very fruitful, and after gathering a band of talented musicians around her, she has been performing her own material around Los Angeles for the last 6 months. Aside from her own performances, she has collaborated with many musicians and projects in LA, either with her violin\ or as backup vocals.
Next Show

August 3rd at The Bootleg Theatre, L.A w/ Loyal Lobos and Aldre Williams. Tickets.

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