new candy illustration by Rita Azar by 360 Magazine

Timing Your CBD Gummy Ingestion

How Long Until CBD Gummies Kick In? And How Long Do They Last?

It’s no secret that CBD gummies are everywhere these days. Still, many people are hesitant to use gummies in place of a standard CBD oil tincture. One of the most significant factors that stop people from feeling comfortable with things like CBD gummies, is the lack of certainty about how long they take to kick in.

So, how long should it take before CBD gummies kick in, and how long can you expect them to last? Let’s take a look.

What Are CBD Gummies?

CBD gummies are a particularly interesting form of CBD because they are one of the few types that users directly ingest. While other forms of CBD involve direct absorption (i.e. sublingually or topically), CBD gummies are exposed to the digestive metabolic process. This can make it tough when it comes to figuring out how long gummies take to kick in.

How Long Until The CBD Gummies Kick In?

A whole host of different factors, from biological and genetic to environmental and dietary, impact the expected time it can take for CBD gummies to start working. A big factor is the fact that CBD gummies are imbibed orally by ingesting them. This means that their expected time to take effect can vary pretty drastically depending on when the user last ate.

More food sitting in their stomach waiting to digest means a longer wait before the effects are noticed. Furthermore, everyone has an individual rate of metabolism, which will control the rate that the CBD is absorbed.

Weight is another issue – CBD is fat-soluble, which means that it will tend to stick to fat molecules. Those that carry around a bit of extra weight might find that their CBD gummies take longer to take effect.

Finally, the actual CBD composition of the gummy plays a considerable role. Stronger CBD gummies will last longer, but their effects might take awhile to peak due to their prolific intensity.

How Long Will The CBD Gummy Last?

The rate that CBD lasts in the human body is dependent on its half-life, which is how long the body takes to work through half of the concentration of CBD. Unfortunately, the exact half-life of CBD has not yet been accurately pinpointed. Some studies shows that it can vary considerably based on the method of consumption.

On average, the half-life of CBD seems to be between 10 hours and 24 hours, though this is again entirely based on the method of consumption.

Final Thoughts: How Long Until CBD Gummies Kick In, And How Long They Last

Lots of new people are starting to try CBD gummies, especially in the UK, as the market has really blossomed in the last decade. Unfortunately, it is nearly impossible to pin down the specific amount of time that CBD gummies take for their effect to take hold. A combination of weight, metabolism, the CBD’s strength, and even just individual genetics govern pretty much every aspect.

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