Cannabis illustration by Rita Azar for 360 Magazine

Hemp Gummies vs. CBD Gummies

What Are the Big Differences?

The sheer number of CBD gummies available in the market today would have been unimaginable even a few years ago. However, this increase in availability has also created a fair amount of confusion when figuring out what to buy.

One of the biggest confusions regarding gummies is the difference between CBD gummies and hemp gummies. They sound similar, but they can be significantly different.

So, what are the differences between them?

Hemp and CBD: Where Do They Come From?

It is sometimes tricky to identify hemp gummies. Australia is a country that, among others, doesn’t always these products easily identifiable.

This is because both CBD and hemp products come from the hemp plant. CBD itself is a cannabinoid found within hemp plants’ flowering buds, stalks, and stems, and it is present in varying quantities depending on the strain.

Hemp, however, is a less specific term, as it refers to the entire plant. Typically when a hemp product is advertised without mention of CBD, it’s made using hemp seed­–an entirely different by-product. Some hemp products do contain CBD, but can’t simply advertise it as just a CBD product. This creates a lot of confusion surrounding hemp products.

What You Need to Keep a Watch out for When Buying Anything Called “Hemp”

As the CBD products’ market continues to grow, some companies have taken advantage of the lack of understanding around hemp-based products.

This is why it’s essential to be aware of exactly what you’re purchasing when buying CBD products, especially when they are labeled as “hemp.”

Manufacturers and retailers looking for easy money might be tempted to market various, cheaper hemp products and imply that they are made from CBD. This could include hemp seed oil, a food oil extracted from the seeds of hemp plants.

Through careful marketing and manipulation of search terms, retailers might suggest that their cheaper product contains some CBD oil, even though it doesn’t whatsoever.

The vital thing to do when looking for new CBD products is to ensure that careful attention is paid to both the ingredients list and any lab reports the company provides. Though not every retailer provides them, lab reports are vital in ensuring that the product’s ingredients are precisely what they say they are.

However, this doesn’t eliminate all of the confusion–why are some gummies named both? Why are there both hemp gummies and CBD gummies available at reputable sites like Premium Jane?

Why Hemp Gummies & CBD Gummies Both Exist

While it is generally true that some retailers will trick customers into believing that their hemp products contain CBD, sometimes these retailers are telling the truth.

This is primarily due to specific laws and requirements across different nations. Many countries, Australia being one example, have a strict requirement for advertising products related to cannabis. In these places, it is sometimes beneficial to only refer to their products as being “hemp gummies” rather than specifically mentioning the CBD concentration that they contain.

Partly to avoid legality issues, but also because of search terms, it is not unheard of to have all sorts of cannabis products be erroneously referred to as merely “hemp.”

Final Thoughts on Hemp Gummies vs. CBD Gummies: What Are the Big Differences?

It is pretty confusing when trying to shop for some CBD gummies to find that they have all sorts of different names with no clear explanation.

To make the whole experience easier, always do your due diligence and make sure you know what you are buying. Through trustworthy lab reports, independent website reviews, or just word of mouth, try to only shop at dependable, established brands.

While there are plenty of cheaper products available on unheard-of, mysterious websites, the best thing to do is to shop with the biggest, most trustworthy CBD retailers.


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