What Should I Do after I’ve Been in a Traffic Accident?

Going through a traffic accident is a traumatic experience that can leave a lasting effect on you and your car, which might need serious collision repair after the accident. If you’ve been involved in a car crash, a surge of adrenaline is the first thing you are going to feel. After the initial kick it gives, you are left in shock and slowly start putting the pieces together.

After the shock has subsided, you are left in a very unfavorable situation of clearing up the mess. But not everyone knows who to call first, what to do and when to leave the accident. If you find out that any party has sustained an injury you need to contact the emergency services immediately.

If both parties were fortunate enough to avoid any serious injuries, this article will explain the steps you need to take immediately after an accident.

Clear the Traffic and Call the Authorities

Once you’ve made sure no one got hurt in the accident, you should move the vehicles from the road to avoid disturbing the traffic if they are still drivable. Park the vehicles and turn the engines off. If you won any safety items like warning signs or cones, set a perimeter around the vehicle. Even if your injuries might not be apparent, you might have sustained an injury like a whiplash that might not manifest right away. That’s why if you feel any pain or discomfort, stop moving until the emergency arrives. Contact the police even if the damage is minor. Their report is crucial for the insurance claim.

Exchange Information with Other Participants

After the collision shock subsides, you should make sure you exchange all the information with other participants in the crash. This information includes:

●Names and contact information
●Vehicle description including model, year and color
●License plate and drivers’ license numbers
●Insurance Company information
●Accident scene address or location
●Witness’ names and contact information
●Police officers’ name and badge ID.

Try to be polite and respectful, but never admit fault until the police have finished their report. If you have a good phone camera, take pictures of the vehicles that were involved in the crash. Make sure to get good shots of the damage and the scene. Don’t sign anything unless the police or your insurance company agents ask you to.

Contact Your Insurance Company

Before departing from the scene where the accident happened, make sure to contact your insurance company representative or agent. Be as honest as possible because you risk your claim being denied if it turns out you were lying. If you can safely drive away from the accident in your car, let the insurance
company know that. If not, the company will refer you to a towing company and probably recommend a respectable collision repair service to take care of the damage to your car.

If you are found at-fault for the accident, you will have to pay the deductible stated on the insurance policy once you’ve picked your car up at the body shop. If however, you believe the other driver was at fault don’t agree to close the insurance claim but hire an experienced attorney to represent you instead.

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