Container House by Heather Skovlund for 360 Magazine

How to Avoid Disgusting Bathroom Smells

The bathroom is probably the most challenging area to maintain at home. It usually smells bad. If you want to avoid a disgusting bathroom smell, these tips will help.

Use air fresheners

You can use air fresheners to help maintain a good scent in your bathroom. The problem is that some fresheners contain chemicals that might damage your health. The good thing is that there are organic options available. If you can find them, they’re perfect for your bathroom. Make sure you only spray a little each time, there’s no need to coat your floor with air freshener. Keep your children and pets away from the bathroom while you spray. Don’t allow them to come inside for a while.

Maintain good ventilation

Allow good ventilation in your bathroom. The key is to use a vent fan since it keeps the foul smell away. It also helps to keep the door open when no one is using it. If someone uses the bathroom, it won’t have a terrible smell anymore.

Keep the towels dry

You might not be particular about it, but damp towels can also lead to a bad smell. Make sure that the towels are dry all the time. After using one, you should put it in the laundry bin. Don’t keep it in the bathroom because wet towels will produce a bad smell. Remind your entire family about this so that they become responsible.

Light a candle

Look for scented candles that you can light to keep the bathroom smelling good. The smoke that comes from the candle can help neutralize the odor. However, some scented candles may contain harmful chemicals. Therefore, you have to be careful in choosing which candles to use. The good thing about having a scented candle in your bathroom is that even if you don’t use one, it looks good. It can be a part of your bathroom decorations.

Clean the bathroom regularly

The best way to keep your bathroom free from bad smells is by cleaning it regularly. Empty the bin each day. Feminine products, wet wipes, and used tissues may cause a terrible odor. You also have to wipe the toilet bowl and sink. There are times when they may look clean, but they’re not. Make it a habit to clean your bathroom a few minutes each day before you bathe. Otherwise, you will spend a long time cleaning the bathroom during the weekends.

Invest in quality bathroom furniture

While you’re thinking about ways to improve your bathroom, you should consider investing in bathroom furniture. Imagine having a new freestanding bath or bathroom enclosure. They will be perfect for making your bathing experience more comfortable. You can check them out at JT Spas.

You won’t have to deal with a disgusting and messy bathroom anymore once you implement these changes. Try to be consistent in following these strategies. Otherwise, it will only take a few days before the disgusting odor comes back. Your family members should also try to do their share of bathroom upkeep.

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