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On the shelf, both hemp oil and CBD oil look very similar. They are both extracted from industrial hemp plants grown in the United States, and they both claim to have the same purported health benefits? Which one truly offers you more with each serving? 

Although they look and sound similar, each designation refers to a completely different product. Here’s why you should consider choosing CBD oil over hemp oil

Hemp Oil May Be One of Many Products

Unlike CBD oil, hemp oil may refer to one of many different products. The designation “hemp oil” is given to oils collected from industrial hemp plans, or crushed hempseed plants. 

In this circumstance, “hemp oil” is a closer match to traditional CBD oil than hempseed-based “hemp oil.” A tincture or capsule derived from hempseeds contains only trace amounts of cannabidiols (the good stuff from CBD oil), and are primarily used in cooking oils, beauty products and paint. 

Hemp oil derived from hempseeds is noted for a completely different set of health benefits. Comparable to chia seed oil and flaxseed oil, hempseed oil is noted for a high concentration of proteins, fatty acids and amino acids. These compounds are all noted for their health benefits: Omega-3 and Omega-6 oils are good for joint health, while amino acids and proteins may help reduce the chance of cardiovascular disease. 

Where Hemp Oil and CBD Oil Differ

Even if you do find a hemp oil derived from natural plants, it may not necessarily be the same as CBD oil. Because hemp oil is often derived from hempseeds instead of specially-grown domestic Cannabis sativa plants, it may not contain all the benefits of CBD oil. 

Organic, full spectrum CBD oil are extracted from the full hemp plant. Leaves, stalks and flowers are processed to extract all of the cannabidiols out of the plant. In turn, users may receive the benefits of full cannabidiol, which have been documented in several peer-reviewed case studies. 

And while full-spectrum CBD oil does contain a trace amount of THC – the compound that creates the traditional “high” of cannabis – it’s not nearly enough to give you that feeling. The industrial limit for THC in full-spectrum CBD oil is 0.3% by dry weight, which is not enough to register on most drug tests, nor is it enough to give you that funny feeling. 

While CBD oil is safe for everyday consumption in most people, you should always discuss adding any product or regimen with your doctor. By going over your current medications and plans for CBD oil, they can help you decide if it’s right for your lifestyle. 

Should I Use CBD Oil or Hemp Oil? 

If you’re looking for an alternative to olive oil in cooking or baking, Hemp oil offers health benefits, and can often be found at natural foods stores. However, Hemp oil and CBD oil are not the same thing. 

If you are looking for potential health benefits from an oil that can be used orally or topically, then CBD oil is always your best bet. Before buying and product, make sure it actually contains the full spectrum cannabidiols, instead of just hemp seeds. 

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