Lujuria by Jhoanny Reyes via 360 Magazine

Transilvania “Los 7 pecados capitales”

Llega “Lujuria” de Transilvania en su edición “Los 7 pecados capitales”

“Los 7 pecados capitales” llegarán a Caracas este próximo 24 de septiembre con su sexto evento “Lujuria”, donde el afro latin house y la movida urbana se unirán desde las instalaciones de La Quinta Bar entre dos ambientes: Techraza y Venue.

“Lujuria” será la sexta edición de una experiencia temática y musical que reunirá a grandes exponentes nacionales e internacionales del género en un solo lugar en una noche sin precedentes. Asimismo, se une a la serie de siete pre-eventos que dan una antesala al evento oficial de “Transilvania” para este 2022, que se espera tenga un aforo de más de 8.000 mil personas en un rango de edades bastante amplio.

Entre los artistas que tomarán la tutela del show en la Techraza, arribará por primera vez al país Cato Anaya, quien desde Colombia se ha convertido en uno de los DJ’s más reconocidos e influyente del afro latín house, quien además compartirá stage junto a destacados artistas venezolanos como:  Wizzard, Gerard Valera, Reox, Guille Cisneros, Fattori, entre otros. Mientras que en el Venue contaremos con la representación criolla de Budú, cantante con amplia trayectoria y proyección internacional quien le pondrá el toque “pecaminoso” a la velada, también estará acompañado de reconocidos DJ’s nacionales de música urbana tales como: Juan Silva, Alex Nunes, Edgar Naranjo, Bazz, Mattz, Lez y demás artistas que con su esencia colocarán a “Lujuria” en el top de fiestas más destacadas del año.

“Lujuría” contará con la producción de todo el equipo de Transilvania Music Fest, en el que encontraremos un gran despliegue tecnológico, de iluminación y diferentes experiencias alusivas a los pecados capitales, siempre cuidando todas las medidas de bioseguridad.

Son más de siete años que Transilvania ha formado parte de la movida nocturna caraqueña, convirtiéndose en uno de los festivales de DJ’s más importantes del país y con “Los siete pecados capitales” ratifican su compromiso con los venezolanos en producir eventos de calidad. Además, cuentan con el respaldo en cada evento de grandes marcas aliadas.

Para disfrutar de “Lujuria”, pueden adquirir las entradas a través de los puntos de venta de Candy World – Sambil y Chuche Express – CCCT o directamente en los números de contacto de Transilvania en Instagram como @transilvaniamf.


Transylvania “The 7 Deadly Sins”

“Lujuria” arrives from Transylvania in its edition “The 7 deadly sins”

“The 7 deadly sins” will arrive in Caracas this coming September 24 with their sixth event “Lujuria”, where Afro-Latin house and the urban scene will unite from the facilities of La Quinta Bar between two environments: Techraza and Venue.

“Lujuria” will be the sixth edition of a thematic and musical experience that will bring together great national and international exponents of the genre in one place on an unprecedented night. Likewise, it joins the series of seven pre-events that give a prelude to the official “Transylvania” event for 2022, which is expected to have a capacity of more than 8,000 thousand people in a fairly wide age range.

<div><br class=”Apple-interchange-newline”>Among the artists who will take the tutelage of the show at Techraza, Cato Anaya will arrive in the country the first time, who from Colombia has become one of the most recognized and influential DJs of Afro-Latin house, and will also share a stage with prominent artists. Venezuelans such as Wizzard, Gerard Valera, Reox, Guille Cisneros, and Fattori, among others. While at the Venue we will have the Creole representation of Budú, a singer with extensive experience and international projection who will add a “sinful” touch to the evening, he will also be accompanied by renowned national urban music DJs such as Juan Silva, Alex Nunes, Edgar Naranjo, Bazz, Mattz, Lez and other artists who, with their essence, will place “Lust” at the top of the most outstanding parties of the year.</div>

Among the artists who will take the tutelage of the show at Techraza, Cato Anaya will arrive in the country the first time, who from Colombia has become one of the most recognized and influential DJs of Afro-Latin house, and will also share a stage with prominent artists. Venezuelans such as Wizzard, Gerard Valera, Reox, Guille Cisneros, and Fattori, among others. While at the Venue we will have the Creole representation of Budú, a singer with extensive experience and international projection who will add a “sinful” touch to the evening, he will also be accompanied by renowned national urban music DJs such as Juan Silva, Alex Nunes, Edgar Naranjo, Bazz, Mattz, Lez and other artists who, with their essence, will place “Lust” at the top of the most outstanding parties of the year.

“Lujuria” will feature the production of the entire Transilvania Music Fest team, in which we will find a great display of technology, lighting, and different experiences alluding to deadly sins, always taking care of all biosecurity measures.

Transylvania has been part of the Caracas nightlife for more than seven years, becoming one of the most important DJ festivals in the country and with “The Seven Deadly Sins” they ratify their commitment to Venezuelans in producing quality events. In addition, they have the support of large allied brands at each event.

To enjoy “Lujuria”, you can purchase tickets through the Candy World – Sambil and Chuche Express – CCCT sales points or directly at the Transilvania contact numbers on Instagram such as @transilvaniamf.