ExtraOrdinary Image provided by George Wickenden and Titan Comics for use by 360 MAGAZINE.

V.E. Schwab’s New Hit ExtraOrdinary

Written by V. E. Schwab with art by Enid Balám

In 2020, New York Times Best-Selling author V. E. Schwab topped the charts with The Invisible Life of Addie Larue. Now comes Schwab’s next smash hit… ExtraOrdinary – a brand-new comic series set in the world of Schwab’s best-selling Villains novels.

This new story is set in the years between the Vicious (2013) and Vengeful (2018) novels and will feature Eli Ever, the villain/antagonist of the original story. A whole host of new comic characters will also be introduced into this epic series.

ExtraOrdinary ‘introduces Charlotte Tills, a headstrong teenager who survives a bus crash and becomes EO–ExtraOrdinary, gaining the ability to see people’s deaths before they occur. But when she looks into her own future and witnesses a murder by notorious EO-killer Eli Ever, Charlotte works to piece together the mystery of her visions and sets off to find – and change – her future – before it comes for her.‘

ExtraOrdinary #1 will hit stores and digital devices on June 23, 2021. Fans will be able to pre-order in the US from their local comic shop, in the UK/Europe from Forbidden Planet, and digitally

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