Picture of Adam Anderson via Adam Anderson for use by 360 Magazine


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Adam Anderson, the author of Fire Yourself, the Entrepreneurial Endgame and co-host of the Two Stones, One Bird podcast, is a cyber security and space entrepreneur who has been the advisor, founder and/or primary investor in over 30 startups. Adam created the field of the psychological security and started his cybersecurity business to reach the goal of “Building resilient human minds to resist manipulation through technology,” stopping people from hacking minds by making sure everyone is aware of the concept. By taking the human side under consideration, Adam realized that it is still not fully protected when humans are involved in the virtual process where cybercrime happens, even though the underlying technology of crypto and NFT is safe today.

As the world is becoming incredibly digitalized, the businesses that need cyber security the most are those on the supply chain who are trying to adopt new technology but have little perception of blockchain and smart contracts. As a cybersecurity venture, Adam is responsible for the growth of cyber economy by reporting criminal activity and researching companies to ensure they are trustworthy. Adam is also one of the speakers at the NTF-VIP which is happening in NYC from June 19th – to 22nd. Being a person who holds the experience as both an entrepreneur and an institutional investor, Adam is excited and curious about “how do I use traditional bc and pe structure to organize all these things but replace institutional money coming in with money from NFT and DeFi.” At the same time, his engaged and professional speech made him a reliable speaker for clients looking to create a buzz in their communities. 

In 2018, after selling his first cyber security company, Adam recognized that his role should be investing in people building companies that innovate in cyber security instead of staying on the front line. This is the point where he started acting as venture capital. The process of walking alongside those startups from the beginning stage to the final launch and production usually takes five years with three roles involved in each stage: pre-accelerator, accelerator, and incubator. He is now serving as the Chair of the Board for Hook Security and as Managing General Partner for Ansuz Capital


Iris Li, Armon Hayes, Vaughn Lowery