Tips to Grooming Your Dog at Home

Our dogs are our most faithful friends and companions, making our homes more welcoming and lively. For this reason, if you are a pet parent, it is your responsibility to ensure that your 4-legged buddy is well groomed to keep them happy and health all day long. Grooming your dog regularly keeps it neat, comfortable and healthy, enhancing its charming looks at all times. Most people prefer the services of a professional groomer to help their dogs maintain a cute and clean appearance.

However, if you are running on a low budget, you may prefer to groom your dog at home. This will not only save you money, but can also strengthen the bond between you and your little friend. It is quite easy and affordable. Be it Poodle, Chow Chow or Shih tzu grooming, with the right grooming tools and techniques, you can hack it without the expensive trips to the dog-salon. Here are some DIY dog grooming tips.

1. Invest in the best dog grooming tools and products

Before you start the grooming sessions, it is important to purchase the best professional tool, for every task to make the session comfortable and enjoyable for both you and your dog.

Below are some important tools for your dog grooming:

● A dog comb/ Brush – Depending on the type and length of the dog coat, you can use metal-pinned brush (for long coats) or rubber-teethed brush (for short-haired dogs).

● A pair of professional grade scissors – For smooth cutting without pulling or snagging which can be uncomfortable for the dog.

● Dog Clippers – Electric clippers designed for dog grooming. Avoid using human clippers.

● Nail Trimmer – To keep the paws clean and safe.

● Dog shampoo – High quality and free from chemicals that can damage the dog’s coat or skin.

To get the best results, it is important to consult a professional groomer to understand the best tools for your dog’s grooming need.

2. Create and maintain a conducive grooming environment

Grooming your dog can be stressful and uncomfortable, especially if your dog is not used to it. It is therefore critical to select the best time and place for the exercise, and make the grooming sessions fun and enjoyable for both of you.

● Start grooming your puppy as early as possible. This will make it get used to being touched and the grooming routine.

● Choose a calm and quite place for grooming

● Relax and use a friendly tone – Your dog can sense when you are stressed or angry, and this will make it anxious and uncomfortable, making the session difficult for you.

● Calm and soothe the dog before you start to make her feel comfortable and safe.

● Complement and reward your dog with a special treat after grooming.

● Start slowly – If your dog is not used to regular grooming, you can start with fewer sessions per week and increase as they adapt to the exercise.

3. Brush/ Comb the Coat Regularly

Whether your dog has short or long coat, brushing and combing is part of basic pet care. It helps to remove dead hair and other types of dirt, as well as prevents hair mats to keep the coat in a good condition. For dogs with long hair, daily brushing is recommended but for short to medium haired, brushing 3 or 4 times a week will be enough. When brushing your dog, it is important to:

● Work out all the tangles to give the dog a shiny and a healthy looking coat.

● Inspect the skin for swelling, reddening or other signs of infections.

● Be gentle and thorough to avoid brush-burning the skin.

● Use the right brush and comb for your dog’s coat type and size.

4. Bathing your Dog

Even when your dog has a healthy and shiny coat, it is important to give her a bath whenever necessary or depending on the dog’s activities. This will help remove accumulated dirt from the skin to give the dog a pleasant and fresh smell. Besides, it helps to remove dead hair and enhance the coat glow.

To properly wash your dog, you need to:

● Use warm water even during hot weather.

● Comb the dog before bathing.

● Use a dog tub or bathe the pet outdoors.

● Use a vet-recommended shampoo and conditioner.

● Rinse the dog with warm water.

● Dry the dog with a soft towel or blow-dry the fur in low-heat.

● Brush the coat after bathe.

5. Coat Maintenance Technique

If your dog’s coat is overgrown, you may need to tame it by trimming or shaving. You can use an electric clippers or professional sheers to cut the dog’s hair to your preferred length. A clipper is mostly recommended as it is easy to use and gives you a uniform hair length for a particular setting. Then use a pair of scissors to trim the hair in sensitive areas like the face and tail. Additionally, always ensure that the coat is dry when trimming or shaving the dog.

If you are not sure about anything, it is important to consult an expert for safety and to get the best results.

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