July is UV Safety Month

July is UV Safety Month named by The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

The goal is to spread the word about how important it is to protect everyone’s skin from the harmful effects of Ultraviolet (UV) rays. To avoid skin damage use sunscreen whenever your skin is exposed.

hint is here to help — not only to hydrate with refreshing hint water, but hint sunscreen mist packs a protective SPF of 30 and is enhanced with the same essences used in hint water, which might just make it the world’s best smelling sunscreen. Available in three luscious flavors — grapefruit, pear and pineapple — there’s no excuse not to spray it from head to toe this July. No Oxybenzone. No Parabens. And for reaching hard-to-reach spots on the go, pop a convenient new sunstick in your bag, your glove compartment, your pocketbook and every pocket you have!

A friendly reminder from hint – dedicated to helping you stay healthy.

Amazon, Anthropologie, www.drinkhint.com

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