Charlotte Aguttes-Reynier

As we prepare to celebrate the centenary of the Indochina School of Fine Arts, Charlotte Aguttes-Reynier, through 432 pages, highlights the contributions of this institution to the international art history. She shares the results of her ten years of research and expertise on the genesis of Vietnamese modern art. The expert in Asian modern art brings together the key figures of this institution in a single publication, recounts the significant moments between 1925 and 1945, and describes the exhibitions organized in Hanoi, Saigon, or Paris, as well as their reception by critics. Her argument is supported by 319 illustrations and includes 28 biographies of students and professors, along with numerous archival documents. Additionally, the author provides access to many private collections and museum reserves.

The author, Charlotte Aguttes-Reynier, has been the president of the Association of Asian Artists in Paris (AAP) since 2019. Within the association (a cultural non-profit organization), she is dedicated to shedding light on and documenting various aspects of modern Asian art, with a particular focus on cataloging the works of artists Mai Trung Thứ, Lê Phô, and Vũ Cao Đàm.

The publisher, In Fine éditions d’art, specializes in art books and exhibition catalogs. It is a part of the French Society for Art Promotion (Société française de Promotion Artistique – SFPA), which is the publishing company for Connaissance des Arts and In Fine éditions d’art publications. SFPA is a subsidiary of the media group Les Échos – Le Parisien, which is a part of the LVMH.

Mai Trung Thú

Aguttes achieves 35% of the total international sales.
Top global company for sales of this artist.

Lê Phổ

Aguttes achieves 12.8% of the total international sales.
Ranked as the third top global company for sales of this artist.

Vũ Cao Đàm

Aguttes achieves 34% of the total international sales.
Ranked as the top global company for sales of this artist.

Upcoming auction

Asian Painters • Thursday, November 30, 2023
40th edition

Among the sought-after signatures by Asian collectors, which Aguttes will passionately advocate for, we can mention, among others, Lê Phổ, Nam Son, Alix Aymé, Lê Thy, Vũ Cao Đàm, Mai Trung Thứ, Inguimberty, Nguyễn Phan Chánh, Nguyễn Tiến Chung, Trần Phúc Duyên, Lê Thị Lựu, Raden Saleh… As well as Sanyu, Lin Fengmian, Pan Yuliang. Lastly, all the artists from the art schools in these regions of Asia.


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Charlotte Aguttes-Reynier via 360 MAGAZINE.